Archive for June 13th, 2011

June 13, 2011

Will Stein

Will Stein continues and completes update on daily routine as a college football player in the summer.

Quarterback Will Stein, who previously provided some insight on a routine day for a college football player in the summer, continued his earlier posting and wrapped up how a typical day goes.

By Will Stein

A typical weight room session for a football player consists of both upper and lower body lifts. Many lifts are functional, meaning they have a direct correlation with certain movements and techniques out on the football field. An example is a clean. These are great because it involves power, quickness, flexibility and core stabilization. The exercise is based from the floor and involves many different muscle groups. The clean relates to football in just about every way possible and I’m sure every college and professional program in the country performs cleans.

For me, I have been on the “lineman” workout plan (according to Coach Moorer) because the coaches want me to gain some weight for the season. I’d like to gain about 10 more pounds of muscle. Quarterbacks have to be able to withstand hits throughout the course of a season and gaining weight will help me stay healthy. Weightlifting with Coach Moorer has an old school feel. He wants to put as much stress on your body as possible so when you actually go out on the field during a game or practice it is easy to push yourself and fight through any physical pain or mental stress. This approach is great especially in a sport like football where pain is the name of the game.

8:45 am – Lift is over. My body is hurting everywhere. Have to get a Gatorade protein shake and Cheribundi supplement drink to refuel my body.

This summer we are doing full body lifts three days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; team runs on Tuesday and Thursday. We also run at the track on Monday. Coach Moorer does a good job of giving our bodies time to recover, yet pushes them to get bigger, stronger and faster.

9:15 am – Leaving the stadium. Might drive through McDonalds to get a McGrittle. Definitely one of the greatest gifts God gave to this earth.

11:00 am – Scholarship players have mandatory lunch at the Ville Grill on Third Street. Got to get my fill and put the weight on!

The Ville Grill is an awesome place for us to go eat buffet style meals four days a week. It’s open from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. If a scholarship player misses any meal then you have to run as punishment. Free food equals good food and it is a humongous benefit for us as a team. In the past, we only received dinner. Now, Coach Strong has gotten us lunch and dinner Monday through Thursday and an extra Sunday night meal. I can’t even describe how beneficial this is for a young student-athlete. It simplifies life and fills our stomachs every time.

11:45 am – Walking to my internship from my house. It’s only about a half mile away. Good time to put my headphones in and listen to my music.

12:00 pm – Just getting to my internship at the Sports Information Department in the student center. Time to grind off the field!

Interning in the Sports Information Department has been a great experience so far. I haven’t been working here too long but have been able to work the NCAA softball regional and take part in a promotional web page (I’ll reveal who later on). They also give me work to take home so I can get more hours each week. I have noticed the amount of work each SID puts in on a daily basis, and it’s crazy. But that is why they are great at their job because they work hard every day and take pride in their work. They are always busy with their respective sport and I’m the person they call on to do their busy work. But I have no complaints because the people here are great, easy-going, and fun to work with.

Skip ahead to 4:00 pm – Leaving my internship and headed back to the stadium for some quarterback work. If you want to be great at your craft then you have to put in the work when no one is watching.

Coach Watson, who is a phenomenal coach by the way, gave each QB a guide of all of the drills he has taught us and wants us to work on throughout the summer. It consists of a lot of movement drills, getting us to be balanced passers in the pocket. The thing about Coach Watson’s drills is that they are like a conditioning session. You definitely break a sweat and get a nice leg burn. But I love the drills and feel like they helped me become a better player this past spring.

4:50 pm – Shower after QB drill session. Don’t want to smell. Too bad the generic soap in the showers isn’t too pleasing to the nose. Oh well.

5:00 pm – Dinner time! Can’t wait to eat and get some quality time with my teammates. Always have fun conversations with my buddies.

6:00 pm – Home at last. Happy we got our AC fixed. It was brutal inside when it was broken. Time to relax and play some Call of Duty: Black Ops on XBOX live. My roommate Nate Nord is a beast at the game.

7:30 pm – Getting hungry again. I’m glad I went to the grocery lately and have some good food to eat. I’m also happy my other roommate has a George Foreman.

From this point on, I mostly just hang out at home and try to relax while I get the chance. I also take this time to work on things for my internship.

Certain nights of the week I like to go to the movies or hit up Dairy Kastle (Yes, it is spelled with a K). If you have never been to Dairy Kastle I strongly encourage you to go because it is heaven in your mouth. The BEST ice cream in town.

I’m a night owl so I usually don’t go to bed to around midnight or one in the morning. But luckily on Tuesdays we don’t have football till 3:45 pm and my internship doesn’t start till noon. Needless to say I love Tuesdays and Thursdays because I get to sleep in!

Well, hopefully you enjoyed an inside look into a day in my life. This schedule is typical of any football player at U of L, just replace my internship with actual class.

Until next time, stay classy Louisville. Go Cards!